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Welcome to my free guide, 7 ways to stay calm & composed, no matter what shit is hitting the fan

A little about me before we dive in ...

I started my psychology degree while still working at a blue chip pharmaceutical company. That gave me a unique opportunity to start implementing everything I was learning straight away so I could quickly understand the impact of all this 'ology' stuff on real businesses. It's one of the reasons I have such good insight into what works, what doesn't and what almost always needs tweaking to get better results.

I set up ThriveMinds in 2014 and added coaching qualifications to my psychological knowledge because I think both areas are amazing, but together they're gold dust!

Since then, I’ve been coaching amazing people, to rediscover how fantastic they actually are.

Something I've seen consistently over the years is how exhausting it can be when unexpected challenges constantly throw you off course. The frustration, anxiety, anger or feelings of being out of control can be all consuming, can't they?

So that's why I created this guide. Because I wanted to share with you 7 of my favourite tried and tested ways to help you handle any challenge that come your way with confidence, control and a calm composure.

7 Ways To Stay Calm & Composed, No Matter What Shit Is Hitting The Fan!

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